
In this section you can find answers to frequently asked questions

Fill in form A and send it:

Fill in form A and send it:

attaching a copy of the report of theft and/or the report of recovery and/or the the registration of loss of possession.

Fill in form A and send it:

attaching a copy of the act of sale (the proxy to sell is not sufficient).

Fill in form B and send it:

  • by registered letter with return receipt addressed to Servizio Polizia Provinciale di Fermo – Viale Trento n. 113 –  63900 Fermo (FM)
  • by hand to Servizio Polizia Provinciale di Fermo – Viale Trento n. 113 –  63900 Fermo (FM)

Within 60 days of notification of the infringement notice – to the Prefect of Fermo by registered letter with return receipt addressed to his offices in Corso Cavour, 104 – 63900 – Fermo (FM) or as beforeto the Prefect of Fermo by registered letter with return receipt addressed in care of the Servizio Polizia Provinciale di Fermo – Viale Trento 196 –  63900 Fermo (FM)  where it can be presented in person, on Tuesday and Thursday from 15:00 pm to 17:00 pm

Within 30 days of receipt of the notice of infraction – in front of the territorially competent Justice of the Peace, [See the list under “Forms”] filing it in person or by registered letter with return receipt in accordance with art. 7 of Legislative decree 150/11.

Payment can be made in the following ways:

  • By bank transfer to the ordinary c / c: IT 32 O 0760103200 001013561988 registered to the person in charge of the service “POSTE TRIBUTI INCASSO INFRAZIONI AL CDS PROVINCIA DI FERMO”;
  • Through postal bulletin attached to the report;
  • Through payment on postal account n. 1013561988 headed to: “POSTE TRIBUTI INCASSO INFRAZIONI AL CDS PROVINCIA DI FERMO”.

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